The books we first pick up and read can have a profound effect on us — as readers, writers, and people.
For me that book is The Diary of Anne Frank.
I always loved to read. Years before I picked up this particular book, I was a voracious reader with an appetite that was hearty. I loved books. The feel of them, their smell, and their promise to introduce you to new people and places. I would lose myself in stories for hours. But something about this particular book struck a nerve in me. We found each other at the exact right time.
The Diary of Anne Frank inspired me to start writing a journal when I was eight years old, something I still do to this day.
It also made me truly fall in love with writing as an art and a practice. Anne’s musings gripped me and made me realize that we all have stories, dreams, wishes, desires, and a distinct voice, and that they are worth writing down.
It also instilled in me a strong sense of social justice, the ability to remain an optimist and always try to see the good in people and situations, and to never lose that all important trait that strengthens and binds us as a humanity… hope.
The Diary of Anne Frank was essentially one of my early teachers. The lessons it taught me have stayed with me over my lifetime, helping to mold me, shape my views of the world, and always remind me that we are connected. And that words matter. They truly do.
What book that you read earlier in life has influenced you as a reader, writer, or overall person? I’d love to hear about it.
Hello Lisa!! My favorite books were The Hobbit and any mystery book I could get my hands on!! I still
Have a list of words I loved from the Hobbit – I love the way Tolkien used language – beautiful!!
Trina – Thank you for your comment! I love that you not only read The Hobbit but kept a list of words from it. Tolkien is an amazing writer and it’s awesome that you got to his work so early on in your reading life. I came to Tolkien later in life. My husband read The Hobbit when he was pretty young and it had quite an impact on him. But I don’t think I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy until I was already married. But once I read them I loved them so much, that I then watched all the movies, and then went back and read them again a second time. I think I even listened to them on audio during a long road trip too!
I am also a mystery fan! Loved Many Drew books growing up, then moved up to Agatha Christie. I also loved the short stories of Edgar Allan Poe… so warped but oh so good!
Love Love this … kindred spirits xoxo
Lisa – Thank you for your lovely comment and for visiting the blog. I am so glad this resonated with you. After I read your post today on the Bloom Facebook group, I was so moved by it, and couldn’t help thinking we are indeed kindred spirits. Our mutual love of journaling, and our love of the book Diary of Anne Frank, among other things I am sure. XO