by Isabel Allende
This is a fascinating book because in some ways it’s almost like a history of the last 100 years through the eyes of a single character.
Violeta is written like a memoir even though it’s fiction. What I mean by that is the character is 100 years old and looking back at her life and telling her life story to a beloved family member in a letter. So the entire book is telling, as opposed to showing. For that reason alone, some writers won’t approve of this even though Isabelle Allende as one of the most well-known authors in the world.
I enjoyed the story! Book ended by two pandemics, Violeta’s life takes place in Chile and then the United States. It covers women’s rights, reproductive rights, domestic violence, war, pandemic, classism, and more. Allende’s writing is beautiful as she weaves Violeta‘s world. It’s not always an easy read based on the content, and it is a long book, but for those that really like this author’s work, historical fiction or multicultural stories, it will be worth it.