Book Launch

Since You Asked… Here’s How You Can Help Support This Debut Author

Many people have asked how they can help support me, so I’m including a few ideas. Thank you! Your support means so much to me. Point people to the webpage for my novel, which is easy to remember - it’s the book title! Share on social media. Even something as simple as “I’m happy for Lisa, an author I follow” or “My friend Lisa’s first novel is getting great reviews.” Use the hashtag #EverythingWeThoughtWasTrue [...]

By |2025-02-04T12:32:44-08:00February 4th, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

Video Podcast Interview with Karen Osborne – What Are You Reading? What Are You Writing?

I loved being in conversation with author Karen Osborne on her fantastic video podcast "What Are You Reading? What Are You Writing?” We went from topic to topic, realizing we have a lot in common as writers (both write historical fiction, dual timeline, and based on our family history) and personally too (both native New Yorkers!). There was lots of laughter and some emotional moments too. Listen in for some behind-the-scenes information about my novel [...]

By |2025-01-27T08:33:02-08:00January 27th, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

Author Blurb from a “Rogue Writer” I Adore

I’m beyond grateful for the generosity of the author community, and especially the authors who read early copies and provided blurbs for my novel, Everything We Thought Was True. It releases in less than one week! Pre-order links are on the Books page. Linda Rosen and I are not only both members of WFWA, but she joined a writers group that I started during the pandemic called the TGIF Rogue Writers. We met via Zoom [...]

By |2025-01-21T14:35:57-08:00January 23rd, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

Grateful for this Blurb from a Publishing House “Sister Author”

So grateful for this beautiful blurb about my debut novel, Everything We Thought Was True, from the gifted author, Jennifer Klepper. I've known Jennifer for about 8 years—since I first joined WFWA in 2017. We are both attorneys who became novelists. I knew she was published by a quality small press, and I had my eyes on it. It’s fascinating, but I always had a feeling that Red Adept Publishing would publish my novel from the [...]

By |2025-01-21T14:41:20-08:00January 22nd, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

A Blurb From the Fabulous Longtime Podcast Host of WFWA

I'm so excited to share blurbs from authors I admire for my upcoming debut novel, Everything We Thought Was True, which launches on January 27—LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY!! I’m so grateful that authors I admire are sharing beautiful thoughts about it. Pinch me!! This blurb is from Maggie Smith, who is a fantastic author and person. We're both hosts for the Women's Fiction Writers Association (WFWA). She's the longtime podcast host, and I'm the [...]

By |2025-01-21T14:31:30-08:00January 21st, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

A Fan Girl Shares A Blurb from One of Her Favorite Authors

Thank you to Sierra Godfrey for this incredible blurb for my debut novel, Everything We Thought Was True, which releases January 27 (2 weeks away!). Sierra is the bestselling author of two novels - A Very Typical Family and The Second Chance Hotel. I loved both her books and became a bit of a fan girl after reading her first novel. I posted how I developed a crush on the protagonist‘s love interest. The character [...]

By |2025-01-13T11:23:09-08:00January 17th, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

My Debut Novel Won Its First Award!

My book baby won its first award! So thrilled to get the fantastic news that my debut novel, Everything We Thought Was True, won first place in the 2024 International Firebird Book Awards in the LGBTQ Fiction category. So exciting! I’m so very grateful for this accolade, and can’t wait for it to make its way into the world on January 27, 2025.

By |2025-01-15T16:29:24-08:00January 15th, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments

Holding my Paperback for the First Time – What a Feeling!

Something magical happened at the very beginning of the new year - I received the ARCs (advance reader copies) of the paperback of my novel. What a thrill! It was an amazing feeling to hold the finished product after the many years behind the scenes of writing, revising, polishing, and submitting, then working with my publisher's team on editing, proofreading, formatting, cover designing, and publishing. What a moment! I felt all the emotions - happiness, [...]

By |2025-01-13T11:18:31-08:00January 15th, 2025|Book Launch, Debut Novel|0 Comments
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