Writer. Reader. Story Teller.
Speaker. Lover of Creativity.

Lisa writes book club fiction featuring complex characters breaking barriers and fighting to truly be themselves despite obstacles in their way — including the time they live in and societal stigmas.
Welcome to Lisa Montanaro Writes… The natural place to spark creativity, including writing, reading, and storytelling. This is my creative playground! So glad you are joining me. I write book club fiction featuring complex characters breaking barriers and fighting to truly be themselves despite obstacles in their way—including the time they live in and societal stigmas.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea (or even better, a glass of prosecco!) and poke around. Stay in the loop by subscribing to the Prosecco & Prose Newsletter.
Check out my debut novel, Everything We Thought Was True. Read some blog posts. Enjoy some reading recommendations. Share your favorite books while I share mine.
If you’re a writer and could use a Branding, Business, Productivity & Mindset Coach, check out my Writer Coaching page. I’ve got you covered!
Pass the site onto others. Interact, comment, and stay awhile. I’m so happy that you’re here with me on this creative journey.

“We write to taste life twice — in the moment and in retrospection.” ~ Anais Nin
With a foot on each coast, Lisa is part no-nonsense Italian American New Yorker and part sunny Californian – with a life-long love affair of the written word. She has a unique background as a performer, teacher of deaf students, lawyer, coach, speaker, and author. Read more…
Lisa is the author of the debut novel, Everything We Thought Was True, by Red Adept Publishing. She writes book club fiction featuring complex characters breaking barriers and fighting to truly be themselves despite obstacles in their way, including the time they live in and societal stigmas. Read more…
Book Clubs
Lisa loves connecting with book club readers in person in Northern California and virtually across the globe. Visit the Book Clubs page for a Book Club Kit, discussion questions, and other behind the scenes goodies! For book club inquiries, please contact Lisa. Read more...
News & Events
Lisa has many events coming up! See what she has on the calendar, watch and listen to past events, and read articles and personal essays by her or about her. Take a look…
Lisa has years of experience as a professional speaker, webinar host, and podcast guest. Read more…
Writer Coaching
Lisa serves as a writing confidante, business strategist, branding expert, and cheerleader all rolled into one. Read more…
Prosecco & Prose Newsletter
I love all things Italian and my favorite drink is Prosecco! I also love all things book-related. Put them together and what do you get? Prosecco & Prose, that’s what.
I love connecting with readers, writers, and lovers of creativity in all of its forms. And if we can do that over a virtual glass of bubbly, even better. I like to share updates on my author journey, book recommendations, musings on the writing life and community, and introduce you to great authors.
So let’s keep the conversation going! Subscribe and step into my enoteca (that’s “wine bar” in Italian… sounds so much nicer, right?).
Your first virtual glass of bubbly is on me.
Ciao ~ Lisa
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